Mostly silly, single-eyed thoughts on everything...really, everything. (P.S. see Matt 6:22)

Nov 18, 2010

Numbered Days

I lost a friend last week. While fighting leukemia, he contracted an infection.  The last time I spoke with him, his cancer was in remission. He talked  extensively about God's grace, saying that the kindness shown by the nurses, who at one point took turns spoon feeding him while he lay barely conscious, assured him that there was love in this world.   He told me that God had given him strength. He was sure he would beat the cancer.  About a month later he was dead.

This ending means nothing without a quick snapshot of who my friend was. He was mean. Really mean and judgmental at times. He had a temper that probably outmatched the California brush fires.  But, he could take what he dished out. He never forgot a kindness. And, he never was too proud to apologize. He was smart. Really smart, and funny too. Months before he was diagnosed with cancer, he went through an epiphany of sorts. So, he began to eat healthier, work out and generally take better care of himself. The weight started coming off him, a horrible foreshadowing of what cancer would do to him. His illness started from a flu that wouldn't go away.  After a series of tests the doctor diagnosed his mystery flu and his year long battle began. "I've found God," He said to me. "Through this mess, I've found God."

I don't know what to 'do' with his death. I don't know what to learn or unlearn. A whole bunch of scripture swirls through my head. 'Honor your maker in your youth...' Let the dead bury the dead.' 'I know that he will rise again...'  'Teach me to number my days.'  I'm not sure how to begin processing them. I'm not even sure that I should. But, I do know this. I should have called him more.

Nov 11, 2010

Who Do They Say I Am? (Part 1)

This question is the ultimate crossroads question.  It's a circular question that meets you over and over at various stages of your life. It's especially pertinent in our faith walk.  "Who do they say I am?"

It starts off as an insecure question which becomes so important that it envelops your life,  forcing you to  make choices based solely on what you want the answer to that question to be.  That is, in this stage, your main purpose is making sure that others approve of who you are—every public act becomes a campaign to control who 'they' say 'you' are.  You get trapped behind a never ending series of campaign nights in which you await the verdict of each life choice you have made.  People's pundit/voter like affirmation or rejection of you becomes your sense of self. 

This stage often leads to next stage in which you cast off the shackles of what 'they' think and boldly declare that You're living for Yourself (capital Y). "I don't care what anyone thinks about me!" you proclaim to anyone who will listen.  Lies! Lies, I tell you!  You can only sustain this stage for a little while.

But, there's another stage in which you return to this question: "Who do they say I am?"  At this point you realize who 'they' say you are is THE question.  And the answer to that question is THE answer.  And 'they' no longer simply represents that 3rd grade bully you tried to make like you, that date who stood you up or the cool kids who thought you were a nerd.  'They' becomes humanity at large and, ultimately, 'They' becomes God.  Not in a weird pantheistic, everything-is-god-and-god-is-everything sort of way.  But, in the understanding that in serving God we must serve man and that our quest to be pleasing to God demands that we please our neighbors. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14  (see also1 John 4:20Mark 10:43-44, Matt 25:40).  Who they say we are and who we indeed are to them becomes our focus on the Pursuit of Christ.


Nov 10, 2010

Sermoning From the Mount

As a frequent giver and, I guess, 'getter' of sermons I have witnessed (and committed) numerous atrocities.  Alright, not quite atrocities.  But, I've seen (and done) things that reduced the sermon's quality.  So, I figured I'd serve as a mentor of sorts for aspiring sermonists.  I've compiled a mini list, that I'm sure I'll keep updating, of some tips from a sermon getter's point of view.  Keep in mind that most of these tips only apply to traditional one preacher sermons--not religious workshops or seminars. 

Here goes:
1. If you don't follow any other tip, make sure you follow both part A and, especially, part B of this tip. A) Do not write out your sermon word for word and then read it to us. B) I shouldn't have to say this second part, but experience has taught me better. Do not hand out a copy of your sermon so thay we can read along as you read it to us.

2. Do not start with "This is going to be a short sermon."  There is something about that statement that always dooms the sermon that follows it to be hideously long.

3. Crowd participation can be a great lift, but really, there's a reason that YOU'RE the one at the pulpit. Accordingly, the majority of your sermon should be a solo. There should be no breaking us up into groups. 
If you throw out a question to the church, get one or two answers. DO NOT wait for every single member to give an answer to the question. 

4. A further point on that solo concept. Do not ask your wife, hubby, kids or anyone in the congregation, for that matter, to support points you make.  'Isn't that true, Honey?' really doesn't add the credibility you think it does.

5. Crosscheck all scripture references before you give your sermon. Really, the difference between Luke 1:5 and Luke 5:1 is anywhere from 3 to 30 mins of mass scrambling for the text.  For each minute we spend looking our hysteria rises as we wonder if you'll be willing to let it go if we don't find the scripture or if you'll force us to keep searching forever. And, ultimately we're scared that you will not subtract the time it takes to find the reference from your sermon time.

6. Do not make your sermon completely center around a metphor, image, or analogy from a secular movie or song. We do NOT want to have to admit in front of the holier church members that we've seen or heard it. And, really, do you?

7. On that note, do NOT play long excerpts of any video or song.  No matter how inspirational, funny,  meaningful, insightful, witty, or any descriptor, for that matter, you think the clip is. (Hint: if it's longer than 5 minutes, it's probably too long. Especially, if it's a song.) 

8. Don't campaign for anyone other than Jesus. 'Nuff said.

9. Raising your voice at key points can be an amazing addition to the impact of your sermon.  But, please do not say your entire sermon in CAPS LOCK. And, on the other hand, do not whisper your entire sermon.

10. Do not read one of those religious internet forwards as your sermon.  Not the one on the Devil's plan to distract Christians by taking their time. Not the one on how willing we are to send all types of forwards but the ones about Jesus. And, especially not the ones on babies being eaten in Korea. Okay, so, I haven't heard the Korean rumor used as a sermon.  But, here's the point.  If you've gotten the forward, chances are so have we. And, as members of your church, you're probably the one who forwarded the e-mail to us.
