I'm easily annoyed by misinformation that is boldly spread as the truth--especially when it has to do with scripture. I'm tempted to add "Part 1" to this title (because I assume I'll come across more examples), but we know how well that subtitle has worked for me in the past. Anywho, here are some often misinterpreted "Bible verses".
Numero Uno: "Heaven helps those who help themselves". Yeah, that's not in the Bible. So, people can add it to as many sermons or Bible Study lessons as they'd like, but it doesn't change the fact that, A ,It's NOT in the Bible and, B, it most likely contradicts Biblical teaching on grace.
Dos: "Money is the root of all evil." Um...this is also not in the Bible. Here are a gazillion (more like 10) versions of that verse. You'll quickly see that the verse actually says. " The love of money is the root of all evil." What's the difference? The first verse states that money is evil. This has led many Christians to abstain from wealth and cling to poverty. The other verse, clearly puts the blame not on money, but a feeling towards money. That feeling, love, is misplaced when directed towards something as fickle as riches. So, correctly interpreted, the scripture does not condemn wealth, but the act of loving wealth, adoring it, worshiping it, depending on it, trusting it, and maybe even making piles of it and jumping around in the piles.
Tres: "If I be lifted up on earth, I will draw men unto me." So, this verse is in the scriptures. However, most times it's used incorrectly, even in songs. People use this verse to explain that if we praise Jesus on earth, Jesus will draw men unto Him. However, that's not what the verse is saying. The type of "lifting up" this scripture refers to is Christ's death on the cross. Therefore, this verse means, once Christ is crucified on the cross, He wall draw us to Him. All I have for now. Thoughts?